Everybody is welcomed to sign the Maccabi haifa 97' Guestbook,however,entries that include bad language (swearing),comments about things that arent related to Maccabi Haifa or this site and remarks written in hebrew,will all be deleted.
Private entries are being read only by me,and therefore they'll be deleted shortly after I read them.
To make your remark interesting,it is advised that you write who is your favourite Maccabi Haifa player,what is your favourite match of all times,what can be improved in this site,what can be improved in the team,what is your opinion about our manager,e.t.c.
Due to past experience,I inform you now,that This isn't an official Maccabi Haifa Site,That I can't put pictures in this site (no scanner),and that I can't update it weekly.So please do not criticize me about niether of these...you can find updated information and pictures in the other Maccabi Haifa sites,through the Links Page
Please take the time,follow these instructions and sign .Thanks !