Pictures of Maccabi Haifa Girl Fans

special ! in this page you can see pictures of girl fans of Maccabi haifa,wearing the team's clothes and doing a variety of football related positions.If you are a girl fan of Maccabi Haifa,or if you know one who is,you can have your picture here as well,plus you can also win great Maccabi haifa PRIZES !

How do i join this ?!

All you need to do is send me a picture,from one or more of the following options:

  • Wearing Maccabi Haifa clothes
  • Standing next to a Maccabi Haifa player
  • Holding a Maccabi Haifa item,such as a poster,a scarf,a flag,e.t.c

    Send your picture on regular mail to:
    "Mivtsa Haifa", 3750,Maoz Zion 90806,Israel

    The Prizes

    ALL the pictures will be shown in this site.The best of them will win Maccabi Haifa related prizes:

  • Maccabi Haifa key rings,pens,pen boxes,e.t.c
  • Maccabi Haifa posters and pictures
  • Maccabi haifa scarfs and flags
  • A maccabi Haifa T shirt !!!

    models: Michal Becker,Moran Ophir

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